Hi everyone. I've decided to move my blog and create a new and fresh-faced blog. As I know that my last blog was total rubbish. Meaningless and totally motiveless, I know this is the right time to start a new blog. This blog is gonna be the start of something new in my life. Hope you all can see to this blog and support me throughout.
I am going to show my passion and dreams and desire to the world. Fingers-crossing, I hope this time I would be able to write and show as many passion I can about my life.
As a gentle kick start to the blog, I am gonna tell you how I come across to create my new title...
Bonjour, Mr. D!™ was created when I suddenly thought of a brand new nickname of mine after the old "Baloo" when i was in high school. Now, i would elaborate a little about how the nickname "Baloo" came about. When i was in high school i conducted a choir and at that time, we was singing Bare Necessities. They said I looked like It. Driven by enthusiasm and teamwork, they started calling me Baloo, the conductor bear. Though i was super duper awkward with the nic. cos they started calling me all around places, eventually i got used to it and give way to the wacky new nic i've just "Honoured". XD It wasn't until i realised that after 2008 how i miss the funny moments that i've lived. (will enclosed a few pictures in the next coming post, i promise. teehee.)
And so it was the name of Baloo. Now comes the evolvement part. HEEHEE.
Without celebrating the last day of 2008 and the new year of 2009, I was selected to the one of the apathethic yet reminisceneful events of my life - PLKN (aka National Service). When i first got to know i've been selected was straight after my spm trials, under the Big Tree beside my infamous high school Round Table; sneakishly smsing PLKN's hotline to see the result. With Jessica Xiau Yen, (my ahmah, gosh i miss her, will ask her to see this post after debut my blog. Teehee. XD) was anticipating the results like graduates waiting for Spm results and yes, it was more nervous than getting SPM results. To me, at that time, whether i got in to PLKN meant LIFE OR DEATH for me. Not to be exaggerative, but yes, i was THAT crazy. XD
It all started with this...
Me: "Hey ahmah, what you doing here? Not back yet? Today no tenth period, should be early go home mah."
Jess: "Ya, me too. You noe hor, that ***** din kena u noe. Oh My God."
Me: "How ***** noe one? I tot ***** is having class now?"
Jess: "SMS la, duh. Today the list came out."
Me: "oh gosh. maybe i shud check too."
Jess: "You try. I very scared. Just SMS-ed"
Me: "AH~~ Got the result?"
Jess: "No not yet. still waiting. Heart thumping like crazy."
Me: "Er. Ok... I'll try"
and so... before I know my result, she got the first congrats SMS of the day I've ever seen in my life which I GLADLY supressed. She went home after that, and when i was on my way back to school...
My Phone vibrated. I whispered SHit! in my heart. And slowly.....
Very very super super duper duperly...
Took the phone out....
and open the msg....
Hotlink msg. =_=
"SChool Holiday Bonus! Get RM10 airtime by only RM7 bla bla blas.. couldn;t remember much abt the msg." I' like wat the hell. like i need one bonus ryt now. SO, feeling relieved for a moment, the Butterflies-in-the-stomachs came back when I know that its not the final result.
So i waited....and waited.
My transport came. And I am still waiting.
God. How long i still have to wait? This have to stop. SERIOUSLY.
and so it came. The msg. I saw the no. 15888. the most unluckiest no. of all.
The first line made me shocked to death....
and it all ends.
HAHA. Not quite. Sry for being so looong winded at the NS part. Cos it meant quite a lot to me. And so, when i get into NS, It wasn't so bad after all. HeeHee. read my previous blog's posts about my NS life and you will know. And it was in NS i got my nickname Mr. D. It was some character building class and initially i wanna put Dylan. But hell! I told myself, Be Creative! and so. TEEHEE~~ decided to put MR DYLAN. then i tot. maybe shudnt be so loong. MR D boleh dah. HAHA. and the next thing u noe, EVERYONE in the camp who noes me started calling me Mr. D. =D
Bonjour means good morning in French, because i LOVE french culture, i decided to put Bonjour instead of Good morning. =D
Why Good Morning? you say. WHy not good evening or good night or just simple, "HELLO!" instead. WELL. Because morning resembles a fresh brand new start to me. Because Good Morning represents a turning-over-a-new-leaf life to me. Because bonjour means Good morning to Life and Passion because it's in french to me.
And to me, everyone requires balls to change. And because of change can we live our lives more interesting and meaningful. Life's too short for sticking to the status quo. We should always try to expand ourself. You should do it too. XD
so yea. this is my brand new start. emotional. inspired and still rejuvenating.
It is a brand new start.
Bonjour, Mr. D!!!!!!

I am going to show my passion and dreams and desire to the world. Fingers-crossing, I hope this time I would be able to write and show as many passion I can about my life.
As a gentle kick start to the blog, I am gonna tell you how I come across to create my new title...
Bonjour, Mr. D!™ was created when I suddenly thought of a brand new nickname of mine after the old "Baloo" when i was in high school. Now, i would elaborate a little about how the nickname "Baloo" came about. When i was in high school i conducted a choir and at that time, we was singing Bare Necessities. They said I looked like It. Driven by enthusiasm and teamwork, they started calling me Baloo, the conductor bear. Though i was super duper awkward with the nic. cos they started calling me all around places, eventually i got used to it and give way to the wacky new nic i've just "Honoured". XD It wasn't until i realised that after 2008 how i miss the funny moments that i've lived. (will enclosed a few pictures in the next coming post, i promise. teehee.)
And so it was the name of Baloo. Now comes the evolvement part. HEEHEE.
Without celebrating the last day of 2008 and the new year of 2009, I was selected to the one of the apathethic yet reminisceneful events of my life - PLKN (aka National Service). When i first got to know i've been selected was straight after my spm trials, under the Big Tree beside my infamous high school Round Table; sneakishly smsing PLKN's hotline to see the result. With Jessica Xiau Yen, (my ahmah, gosh i miss her, will ask her to see this post after debut my blog. Teehee. XD) was anticipating the results like graduates waiting for Spm results and yes, it was more nervous than getting SPM results. To me, at that time, whether i got in to PLKN meant LIFE OR DEATH for me. Not to be exaggerative, but yes, i was THAT crazy. XD
It all started with this...
Me: "Hey ahmah, what you doing here? Not back yet? Today no tenth period, should be early go home mah."
Jess: "Ya, me too. You noe hor, that ***** din kena u noe. Oh My God."
Me: "How ***** noe one? I tot ***** is having class now?"
Jess: "SMS la, duh. Today the list came out."
Me: "oh gosh. maybe i shud check too."
Jess: "You try. I very scared. Just SMS-ed"
Me: "AH~~ Got the result?"
Jess: "No not yet. still waiting. Heart thumping like crazy."
Me: "Er. Ok... I'll try"
and so... before I know my result, she got the first congrats SMS of the day I've ever seen in my life which I GLADLY supressed. She went home after that, and when i was on my way back to school...
My Phone vibrated. I whispered SHit! in my heart. And slowly.....
Very very super super duper duperly...
Took the phone out....
and open the msg....
Hotlink msg. =_=
"SChool Holiday Bonus! Get RM10 airtime by only RM7 bla bla blas.. couldn;t remember much abt the msg." I' like wat the hell. like i need one bonus ryt now. SO, feeling relieved for a moment, the Butterflies-in-the-stomachs came back when I know that its not the final result.
So i waited....and waited.
My transport came. And I am still waiting.
God. How long i still have to wait? This have to stop. SERIOUSLY.
and so it came. The msg. I saw the no. 15888. the most unluckiest no. of all.
The first line made me shocked to death....
and it all ends.
HAHA. Not quite. Sry for being so looong winded at the NS part. Cos it meant quite a lot to me. And so, when i get into NS, It wasn't so bad after all. HeeHee. read my previous blog's posts about my NS life and you will know. And it was in NS i got my nickname Mr. D. It was some character building class and initially i wanna put Dylan. But hell! I told myself, Be Creative! and so. TEEHEE~~ decided to put MR DYLAN. then i tot. maybe shudnt be so loong. MR D boleh dah. HAHA. and the next thing u noe, EVERYONE in the camp who noes me started calling me Mr. D. =D
Bonjour means good morning in French, because i LOVE french culture, i decided to put Bonjour instead of Good morning. =D
Why Good Morning? you say. WHy not good evening or good night or just simple, "HELLO!" instead. WELL. Because morning resembles a fresh brand new start to me. Because Good Morning represents a turning-over-a-new-leaf life to me. Because bonjour means Good morning to Life and Passion because it's in french to me.
And to me, everyone requires balls to change. And because of change can we live our lives more interesting and meaningful. Life's too short for sticking to the status quo. We should always try to expand ourself. You should do it too. XD
so yea. this is my brand new start. emotional. inspired and still rejuvenating.
It is a brand new start.
Bonjour, Mr. D!!!!!!

Oh goodness. Tukar blog lagi. Time to check our rss feeds...
Mana ada "again"! Haha. First time tukar blog la. XP
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