It was my day. I wasn't really feeling good but I have to attend this thing. I've been practicing like hell for this day and for the future, of course. The thing is, I wasn;t sure whether I could make it happen or not. During that time la. It wasn't until I found out...
How challenging it could be and how fun it would be.
Recklessly and all-so-notwithstandingly awkward.
This morning was my driving test. (though it was ytd but im gonna write it as if it just happened today. XP) I woke up at about 530am, wondering whether i woke up too early or too late. Washed up and prepared, i got downstairs and had my breakfast. And i was right. I was too early. So I went back upstairs and took a light reading. Coincidentally, the magazine which I took was initially supposed to be about childish outdated games. BUT, somehow when i flipped to the middle of the magazine. It shows cars. Like how to drive properly and shows the right way to get ready or stuffs like that. I was smilling all the way O.O... HAHA. I didn't expect it coming. And STRANGELY, the column was after a title named "Having a good breakfast kickstarts a perfect day!"
HAHHAHAAHAHAHAHA. Is this some hints or something? LMAO. Maybe it is or not. Hehe. But somehow it stucked onto my mind until i noticed that it's nearly time. Went down, took a light breakfast, I got on my grandpa's car and headed to William Driving Agency's office. When i got onto my grandpa's car, I noticed how much memories i left behind uncherished ever since I was 10. He had been driving me around and I didn't thank him enough. This was my ONLY transportation to my school and tuitions. My parents was always busy with their works and jobs so they didn't really have time to fetch us around. So it was grandpa that did all the driving. ANYWAYS, I arrived at the agency like about 7am. And when i stepped into the room, my first though was, "where's leelyn?" HAHA. You know i understand everything happens for a reason but THIS is strangely amazing...
Leelyn and I was primary schoolmates for like 6 years but we didn't get to know each other.
Leelyn and I was secondary schoolmates for straight 5 years but we didn't get to know each other. Just somehow manage to say hi! bye! and that's that.
Not until I really really get to know this cute, smart and Sampat like me XP during NS. haha. We met and talked a lot during NS. From the utmost scariest ghost stories we experienced in NS to some *ahem ahem* sharing, it almost felt like we known each other for a loooot of years. haha. But DONT Worry, she was like a sister to me, not more than that. *winks to leelyn*
And there she was, sitting right at the corner scrutinising other candidates paying their fees. I can really see her boredness through her eyes. It was funny. XD
So i sat beside her and made the expression that explain all i felt. heehee.
i put my hands on my heart and sorta popping mildly. and do the O_O eyes.
cool huh? wanna see it? haha. next time when u meet me i'll show u. XD
So... after eveything is almost settled, the Cute uncle sent us to our exam place. In Gombak, i think. And i heard it was the easiest place u can get, ever. teehee. lucky me. =P We got down the van and got ourselves registered. My lucky no. of the day is 32. XD Leelyn got 31. So we're right after each other. We started with the deadly 3...
Slope. Parking. 3-point turn.
As it turned out, it was really deadly for me. I meant it. I'm telling you, whoever who wants to take exams by using JPJ car better pray hard. Because you never know what you will get. Mine was th perfect example.
My gear DIDN'T worked.
My clutch DIDN'T worked.
My mirrors was UN-alterable.
It shocked to my core when the reverse gear didn't worked during the parking. I was thinking, "Oh gosh, i'm gonna fail if this keeps up." So I prayed hard. Like REALLY hard. HAHA. and somehow, miracles happened. The car owner came and tried on a few times until the gear was in place and said to me, "Kamu hendak masuk gear kuat kuat baru bolehlah". I just nodded and continued. Same went with the 3-point turn. sigh. thank God i passed....
And then it was on the road. Leelyn and I waited in a room. And we started saying," hey! we should take pictures you know.." and okay! i took a few.
I'm just gonnalet the pictures speak my thousand words for awhile. XD
and the back of cute uncle....
We had lunch at 1u's nandos and talked a lot about Universal topics, etc. It was really mind-boggling and interesting. XD
So, FINALLY, the day ended. We both took bus back home. And later on at nite, i went to kaki blue. That's all. XD
And here... as promised, a few photos as Baloo.

Last but not least, the most memorable one...
Have a nice day, everyone. XD
Ps: I'm thinking of putting Logos on my pictures. Anyone have any ideas how to do it can you tell me, puh-lease? thanks.